Friday, April 5, 2013


I have always been puzzled by homeschooling. I mean, I love my family and all, but being around them 24/7 would be a nightmare! And although the “school” aspect of school can be a chore, there are so many fun social activities and sports that come along with it that make it much easier to bear. I just feel that there are so many things that happen while in school that kids being homeschooled miss. Here are a few of the main ones.

1)      RECESS

Recess in elementary school holds so many memories! I think that recess serves as a major bonding and social time that kids get to spend together. It was the perfect combination of running around and drama.

2)      LUNCH

There was never a dull moment at lunch! So many friendships were formed around food. We collectively complained about the quality of the school lunches and I feel as though nothing can bond a group of people better than having to survive on terrible food together.


Sports are what made school worthwhile for me. Training and competing alongside friends from class brought us really close.

4)      BULLIES

I realize that this may be one of the biggest reasons that people chose to homeschool their kids in the first place, but I think that they are so necessary. Not everyone is going to treat you and love you like your mother does. I think the earlier you learn to take some hits, forgive, and forget, life will be much easier.


What do you think? Can you think of any major pros to homeschooling?



  1. One major pro about homeschooling would have to be in terms of economical margins is the time efficiency factor. Just think about it, your school hours may be just 4, as opposed to the generic 8 hours on average the public schools have. Besides that it is a detriment economically, unless you are being taught by a private tutor, your parents are better off sending you to school so they may earn capital through labor as opposed to teaching you for no earnings.

  2. I am sure there are positives to homeschooling but I feel as if the children who are homeschooled miss out on a little of what made those children in public school who they are today. Many homeschooled children are positively brilliant but struggle in social environments and dealing with different types of people with the ease and grace of children who have attended public school their whole lives. Children who attend public school are perhaps a bit more prepared for the harsh reality of the world and are more willing to go explore it.

  3. Underscore Cat brings up an important point - the economics of home schooling. Although it certainly allows for a shorter, more efficient school day and "real world" learning experiences, homeschooling does depend upon at least one parent being able to stay at home to teach his/her children. One might think then that only rich families could homeschool. However, I don't think that this is true. Many middle-class families that I know chose to homeschool their children. However, if both parents earn close to minimum wage, it might be difficult to homeschool.

  4. I have first hand experience of homeschooling as my mom homeschooled me for half a year before we moved across the country. I can honestly say that homeschool in most cases would not be effective for many reasons. One above all is distinguishing the parent from the teacher. For me it was hard to do so which resulted in my mom allowing me to watch TV most of the day.
