Friday, April 19, 2013


After typing ‘Homeschooling’ into Google I was greeted by many pictures of smiling families sitting around the table doing schoolwork. The picture below stood out to me. It is from a website called Exploring Homeschooling, which is a faith-based ministry supporting homeschooling.

The first thing that strikes me when looking at the picture is the verse in the top corner. It is in a dark, bold print, so it stands out against the white sky. The verse is Proverbs 22:6, which says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This verse implies that the skills a person learns early on will carry on throughout his or her life. Schooling is a huge part of a childhood, and this verse reiterates the importance of quality education.

The picture depicts a father and son sitting together on a rock, which appears to be in the middle of a large forest, looking at the screen of a laptop together. Both father and son are enthralled with what is on the screen. The setting seems to be hinting at the freedom homeschoolers have to explore the world without the regulations of school. The father and son sitting together displays the personal, loving relationship that homeschoolers establish with their teachers, which happen to be their parents. The vivid colors of the photograph evoke memories of fun outdoor adventures and leave the reader with a feeling of nostalgia.

The piece is directed toward internet users who go to the Exploring Homeschooling website for help or support. The website contains many Bible verses and religious rationale as to why homeschooling is the superior educational experience.


  1. First of all, insightful analysis. Second, there are two things that I find particularly interesting about this visual. First, is the presence of the father. Typically, when we think of homeschooling we think of the mother doing the majority of the instruction, so it's unusual that they included the father. Also, the presence of the laptop outdoors is interesting. It really contrasts with the natural background. I wonder why they chose to include it?

  2. This image caught my attention because it has a Bible verse on it. School and religion do not normally go together but in homeschool they can.

  3. Great analysis! I also noticed the contrast between the laptop and the nature surrounding the situation. It is usually thought that if you are out in the "elements" (aka nature) you are more or less "roughing it" (aka living with nature without the aid of modern amenities). I am perplexed by the fact that they chose to use this contrast. Other than that, great explanation!
